This unique artist in residency program partners a community engagement artist with a small town in rural Minnesota that has a vulnerable drinking water source. For Little Falls, their ground water is their drinking or source water and all the wells are clustered together on the edge of town. The protection of this source water is a top priority for the local government. The Source Water Protection Collaborative, convened by Environmental Initiative, is partnering artists with local government to raise awareness within the community in a productive, fun, non-intimidating way. Funding for the effort is provided by the Clean Water, Land, and Legacy Amendment. From June to December, 2023, Su will work closely with community leaders, educators, artists, and more to develop pieces that explore the communities relationship to water, their understanding of its effects, and how important it is to the community at large. These items (watercolor paintings, poems, stories, drawings, photos, etc) will be digitized and layered together to create a series of prints inspired by broadsides. The final series will be reproduced and distributed as window clings and vinyl wraps throughout the city.
The broadsides, while designed by Su Legatt, were created using contributions from a variety of community members over the course of several community events. This unique collaborative project honors the contributions of each participant; please see their names on each image when clicked.
For a brief overview of the project's process, click HERE.